每一座城市,总有那么一座或几座建筑,为城市贴上标签.rn外来的客人, 见到这样的建筑,要留影,代表已经来这里打卡.rn归来的游子, 见到这样的建筑,往往心头一热:我回来了!rn城
有人说, 女儿是父亲前世的情人. 说这话的人一定是通灵的,是美到极致的人.rn女儿是我的另一个生命.她将延续我的生活与梦想. 有了女儿,我觉得其他的一切都不重要了. 以前,我
In many ultrafast imaging applications, the reduced field-of-view (rFOV) technique is often used to enhance the spatial resolution and field inhomogeneity immun
The n-type silicon integrated-back contact (IBC) solar cell has attracted much attention due to its high efficiency, whereas its performance is very sensitive t