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“爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。千家万户瞳瞳日,总把新桃换旧符。”(宋·王安石《元日》)洋溢着喜庆和温暖的春节是我们每一个人心中永远难以割舍的情结,它给了我们一份浓得难以化开的情,一种经年酿造的醇厚的味。以渴望幸福、安康和吉祥,重视团圆和热爱家庭,珍视亲情、友谊,企盼未来美好生活为内涵的春节文化,是我们民族的精神记忆,已经深深融入我们的血液之中。无论社会如何发展,传统文化对于一个民族的创造和发展都是极其重要的,因为不论是有形的还是无形的遗产,人们都能在这里找到灵感和智慧的源泉。薪火相传,把春节创建成一个节日的盛会,还本真的年俗于民,让全省人民体验我国传统节日文化,进而在喜节活动中培育希望、祥瑞、幸福的和谐文化意识,让和谐文明的精神传遍全川——这是春节的精神,也是我们共同的心愿! “In addition to a year-old firecrackers in addition to the spring breeze into Tu Tu. Thousands of households pupil Hitomi Hitoshi, always the new peach for the old symbol.” (Song Wang Yuan “Yuan Day”) filled with joy and warm Spring Festival is each of us It is always difficult to break away from the heart of the complex, it gives us a hard-to-get-away feeling, a mellow brewing taste. The Spring Festival culture, which is longing for happiness, well-being and good fortune, emphasizing reunion and family love, cherishing affection, friendship and looking forward to a better life for the future, is the spiritual memory of our nation and has been deeply integrated into our bloodstream. No matter how society develops, traditional culture is extremely important to the creation and development of a nation, because no matter whether it is a tangible or intangible heritage, people can find sources of inspiration and wisdom here. Passing the torch to create the Spring Festival as a holiday event, but also the real year of the people in the public, so that people across the province to experience the traditional festival culture in our country, and then in the festival activities to cultivate hope, Auspicious, happy cultural awareness of harmony, let The spirit of a harmonious civilization spread throughout the whole country - this is the spirit of the Spring Festival, it is our common wish!
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小组老师是基于问题式的(PBL)教学团队中直接深入学生小组讨论的一线教师。他们在PBL教学过程中起着重要的保驾护航作用。他们既对教案执 The group teacher is a first-lin
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