Reimplantation combined with transplantation of transgenic neural stem cells for treatment of brachi

来源 :中华创伤杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jincast
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Objective: To explore a new method to treat brachial plexus root avulsion experimentally by reimplantation combined with transplantation of neural stem cells (NSCs) modified by neurotrophin-3 gene (NT-3).Methods: The total RNA was extracted from neonatal rat striatum and the NT-3 cDNA was obtained by reverse transcription and amplified by polymerase chain reaction.The NT-3 gene was transferred into NSCs via the pLEGFP-Cl,an expression plasmid vectors.The untransfected NSCs,the pLEGFP-Cl treated NSCs,and the pLEGFP-Cl-NT-3 treated NSCs were transplanted into corresponding spinal cord segment with brachial plexus root avulsion.The survival,differentiation,and migration of the transplanted cells were determined under confoeal laser scanning microscope or by immunohistochemistry method.The nerve regeneration was evaluated by gross observation,electrophysiologieal examination and reverse horseradish peroxidase tracing.Results: The NT-3 gene was successfully amplified and transferred into neural stem cells via the plasmid vectors.The transplanted cells survived,differentiated,and migrated and NT-3 was expressed within the spinal cord.The animals regained some muscle strength which was less than 3-degree muscular strength according to the British Medical Research Council (BMRC) evaluating system.The resuits of electrophysiological examination and reverse horseradish peroxidase tracing were superior in the pLEGFP-Cl-NT-3 group to the NSCs untransfected group orthe pLEGFP-Cl group.Conclusion: Transplantation of NSCs modified by NT-3gene combined with reimplantantion is a relatively effective way to treat brachial plexus root avuision experimentally.It still need further study to improve the results.
目的 探讨胆石症所致的门脉高压症手术时机和手术方式对患者预后的影响.方法 对收治的42例胆石症合并门脉高压症患者,根据Child分级在不同的时间选择不同的手术方式进行手术
目的 总结应用普鲁卡因治疗大咯血的疗效和不良反应.方法 回顾漯河市中心医院2005年7月至2008年5月收治的140例大咯血患者应用普鲁卡因治疗的临床资料.结果 大部分大咯血患者
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