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一1945年,伴随战争形势的变化,晋察冀边区设察哈尔省政府,省会设在张家口市;成立热河省政府,省会设在承德市。经过8年对日浴血奋战,晋察冀边区政府此时已形成面积更大的抗日民主政权,人口2500余万。后来,冀晋区党委和察哈尔省委合并为北岳区党委,建立北岳行政公署。日寇投降后,晋察冀边区银行行长关学文同志奉命到张家口接收伪蒙 In 1945, along with the changes in the war situation, the Chahar-Hebei border government set up the Governorate of Chahar, the capital of which was set up in Zhangjiakou City; the Jehol Provincial Government was established and the provincial capital was set up in Chengde City. After eight years of fighting bloody battles against Japan, the government of the Jin-Cha-Ji border region has now formed a larger anti-Japanese democratic regime with a population of more than 25 million. Later, the Hebei and Jinjiang District Party Committee and Chahar provincial party committee merged into Beiyue District Party Committee, the establishment of Beiyue Administration. After the Japanese invaders surrendered, Comrade Guan Xuewen, governor of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region, was ordered to accept the false Mongolian troops in Zhangjiakou
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