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本文主要是以心理定价策略为研究对象,以心理定价策略的原理为依据,通过对航空公司对其运用现状的分析得出如何制定出更高效的心理定价策略。首先,是对于心理定价策略的一个概述以及在我国的运用情况,通过与西方国家的对比来缩短我们在认识上的差距,要全面正确的认识小数定价法、声望定价法的原理。其次,根据国内外航空公司对心理定价策略的运用以及呈现的差别,我国航空公司应该熟练运用“多等级票价,”并结合其他心理定价法来完善价格体系。最后,根据比较心理定价策略与差别定价策略的异同,针对航空公司自身的特点和心理定价策略中存在的问题,取差别定价中的精华,多种心理定价方法共同作用,为航空公司带来更高的经济效益。 This article is mainly psychological pricing strategy for the study object, based on the principle of psychological pricing strategy, through the analysis of the status of the airline’s use of the draw how to develop a more efficient psychological pricing strategy. First of all, it is an overview of psychological pricing strategies and the application in our country. Through the comparison with western countries, we can shorten our understanding of the gap. We must fully and correctly understand the principle of fractional pricing and prestige pricing. Second, according to the application of psychological pricing tactics by domestic and foreign airlines and the differences presented by them, Chinese airlines should skillfully use the “multi-level fares” and improve the pricing system in combination with other psychological pricing methods. Finally, according to the similarities and differences between the psychological pricing strategy and the differential pricing strategy, aiming at the characteristics of the airlines and the existing problems in the psychological pricing strategy, taking the essence of differential pricing and the multiple psychological pricing methods together, it brings more benefits to the airlines High economic benefits.
本人在多年的数学教学实践中,就如何适当地进行讨论做了一些有益的尝试。在教学的各个环节中适时适度地加以运用,这对激发学生的学习兴趣、提高课堂效率大有帮助。 I have d