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键盘是电脑中被人“指指点点”最多的设备,它在受敲打的同时,也沾上了灰尘与脏东西。如果运气好,夏天的冷雪糕,冬天的热咖啡,也有它的份。 为了让你键盘永葆青春,就要定期清洁它。具体的步骤是:先把键盘从电脑主机箱上拔下来《注意保证此时电脑是关机状态),将正面朝下轻轻摇动拍打,去掉残留在键盘上的面包屑、瓜子壳等杂物,然后再用干净的湿毛巾擦拭。注意不要过分用力,以免压坏按键。如果键盘表面灰尘较多, The keyboard is the most “pointing” device in the computer, which is also stained with dirt and dirt while being beaten. If you are lucky, summer cold ice cream, winter hot coffee, also has its share. To keep your keyboard forever young, clean it regularly. The specific steps are: first unplug the keyboard from the mainframe computer, "pay attention to ensure that the computer is turned off at this time), will gently shake the face down to swipe, remove the remaining bread crumbs on the keyboard, melon seeds and other debris, Then wipe with a clean wet towel. Be careful not to use excessive force to avoid crushing buttons. If the keyboard surface dust more,
Switzerland which is knownas the garden of the world,due toits lush green summer pastures.turns into a white world everywinter.Over a hundred years ago,Swiss p
2011年11月15日晚,徐雨含跟随所长前往海南省南琼区追捕一名贵州籍在逃嫌疑人,在抓捕过程中,面对持刀企图夺路逃窜的嫌疑人,徐雨含毫不畏惧,以身体挡住其外逃的窗口。右腿不幸被对方砍伤,顿时血流不止。但是这个24岁的年轻民警丝毫没有退缩,猛扑上去,与其展开搏斗,在随后赶来的民警协助下,将嫌疑人抓获归案。  经检查,徐雨含的伤口长达16厘米,手术整整做了一个半小时。  徐雨含的老家在东阳江镇茜畴村,
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The Third “FLTRP Cup” NationalEnglish Debating Competition washeld in Beijing Foreign StudiesUniversity from April 19th to April23.The competition is organiz
1999年3月12日,世界失去了一个伟大的小提琴演奏家和指挥家,谨以此文祭奠,并向这位二十世纪的音乐大师致敬。A descendent of Russian-American immigrants .yehudi menuhin
“Nothing new ever happens,”Harry Black said to his wife.“Everyday is the same.”“I don’t want anything new tohappen,” his wife said.“I’m happy.You’ve
Quaife is a businessman.His business is freezing people.He works for a companyin California called Trans Time.Trans Time freezes people after they die.Why does
目的 了解葡萄膜炎继发性青光眼的手术治疗方法及疗效.方法对近十年住院治疗的葡萄膜炎继发性青光眼病例进行回顾性研究.结果葡萄膜炎继发性青光眼38例44眼,前葡萄膜炎25例,全葡萄膜炎12例,仅1例为后葡萄膜炎.8眼行激光周边虹膜切除术,29眼行小梁切除术,7眼行引流阀植入术.除3例外所有患者眼压控制满意.结论小梁切除术或青光眼引流阀植入术都可以很好地治疗葡萄膜炎继发性青光眼,但手术成功的关键在于术前