【摘 要】
China's Top Legislature read the draft amendmentto the Criminal Procedure Law on Wednesday at itsbimonthly sessions scheduled from Wednesday toFriday.The Criminal Procedure Law was first adopted
China's Top Legislature read the draft amendmentto the Criminal Procedure Law on Wednesday at itsbimonthly sessions scheduled from Wednesday toFriday.The Criminal Procedure Law was first adopted
The environmental movement in America began as a defense of nature against man. But what we call "nature" is a human construct, and when Thoreau and John Muir set out to protectthe unspoiled wildernes
Weight gain, stinginess, toe-nail clippings onthe bathroom floor and snoring are a few of thepassion-killers that have led to a swifter decline inrelationships in the fast-paced 21 st century, said th
Dependence On leleVisjOns,cellphOnes andIaptOps may be cosling Ame—cans dearIy—inlaCk Of sleeD.
My world has gotten a lot louder lately. My 2-year-old son, Ezra, just discovered noise. "Airplane, airplane, airplane." He gestures toward the sky until I repeat,"Airplane." "Car!" He interrupts t
At first many news organisations were openly hostile3 towards these new tools.In America the high point of the antagonism between bloggers and the mainstream
Sophie zhang(张苏菲)生于美国波士顿,后随家人移居北京,现在是北京国际学校的学生。Sophie从小热爱阅读和写作,丰富多彩的生活经历是她创作的灵感源泉。她的首部英文小说《柯盼的神奇旅程》(The Kohpan Crossing)不久前由外语教学与研究出版社出版。