【韩联社华盛顿2015年10月7日电】美国科学与国际安全研究所(ISIS)在2015年10月7日公布的一份报告中称,估计朝鲜拥有可以制造22枚核武器的易裂变材料。报告估计,如果拥有两座铀浓缩工厂,那么朝鲜截至2014年可能拥有多达34千克钚和240千克武器级铀,其中钚的数量可能更多,因为朝鲜可以从2013年重启的5 MWe石墨堆的乏燃料中提取钚。
Yonhap, Washington, October 7, 2015 The ISIS said in a report released on October 7, 2015 that North Korea is estimated to have fissile material capable of producing 22 nuclear weapons. The report estimates North Korea may have up to 34 kilograms of plutonium and 240 kilograms of weapon-grade uranium by 2014 if it owns two uranium enrichment plants, with more plutonium available as North Korea could restart from the 5 MWe graphite reactor Of spent fuel plutonium extraction.