正确处理内地与沿海关系问题,是中国社会主义经济建设的一个重大问题。早在 50 年代中期,毛泽东对此就进行过积极的探索,提出了“利用和发展沿海工业”的科学思想。 邓小平在改革开放的历史进程中,提出“两个大局”的战略构想,再次探索了内地与沿海的 关系问题。世纪之交,以江泽民为核心的党中央审时度势,作出了实施西部大开发,加快中 西部地区发展的伟大决策。三代领导核心在此问题上一脉相承,形成中国社会主义经济建设 理论一个很有特色的逻辑。这一逻辑生动地表明中国共产党人善于从中国国情出发,领导和 组织社会主义经济建设的科学精神。
Correctly handling the issue of the relations between the mainland and the coastal areas is a major issue in the socialist economic construction in China. As early as the mid-1950s, Mao Zedong made an active exploration on this issue and put forward the scientific thinking of “utilizing and developing coastal industries”. In the historical process of reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping proposed the strategic concept of “two overall plans” and once again explored the issue of the relations between the Mainland and the coastal areas. At the turn of the century, the party Central Committee with Jiang Zemin as the core reviewed the current situation and made great decisions to implement the great development of the western region and accelerate the development of the central and western regions. The three generations of leading cadres have the same strain on this issue and form a very distinctive logic of the theory of socialist economic construction in China. This logic vividly shows that the Chinese Communists are good at starting from the actual conditions in China and leading and organizing the scientific spirit of socialist economic construction.