有人说他是中国的空军之最。是的,在抗美援朝对敌空战中,他创造了中国空军击落敌机的数量之最;有人说他是“双料王牌”飞行员,是“王牌之王”。是的,世界上各国空军有个共识,击落敌机3—4架就被封为“王牌”飞行员,他却在抗美援朝的对敌空战中先后击落了敌机7架,击伤2架,这一战绩在中国的空军史上是空前绝后的…… 他就是中国空军无人不知,在抗美援朝战争中无人不晓的中国第一代飞行员的代表——赵宝桐。
Some people say he is the most air force in China. Yes, during the air war against the United States and North Korea, he created the highest number of enemy airplanes shot down by the Chinese air force; some said he was a “double trump card” pilot and was “the trump card king.” Yes, the air forces in all countries in the world have reached a consensus that they shot down as many as 3 to 4 enemy aircraft and were labeled as “ace” pilots. However, they were able to shoot down 7 enemy aircraft and 2 wounded in the air battle against the United States and the DPRK during that war. A record in the history of the Chinese air force is unprecedented ...... He is the Chinese Air Force nobody knows, in the War of Resistance Against Ame and Assam North Korea’s first generation pilot of China’s representative - Zhao Baotong.