本文是一篇关于美国国家人事记录中心的翻译文章。美国国家人事记录中心(TheNational Personnel Records Center,以下简称NPRC)是美国国家档案与文件署(NARA)最大的组成机构之一。它负责保存曾在美国军队和联邦政府工作过的人员的人事记录。文章译自NARA馆刊《序章》(Prologue)2011年冬季号,文章原名《1 Archives Drive》,由威廉·塞尔伯特、旺达·威廉姆斯与南希·舒斯特尔三人合著。本文配图来自美国国家档案与文件署网站。
This article is a translated article about the National Personnel Records Center. The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) is one of the largest agencies of the U.S. National Archives and Documents Authority (NARA). It is responsible for keeping track of personnel records of personnel who have worked in the U.S. military and the federal government. The article is translated from the Prologue winter 2011 issue of the NARA collection, originally named “1 Archives Drive” and composed by William Selbott, Wanda Williams and Nancy Schuster With This article with maps from the National Archives and Documents Web site.