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在新闻传播过程中,选择合适的照片来配合文字报道,起关键作用的通常是图片编辑。报纸图片编辑对照片的选择,要比文字编辑对文字的修改更加重要。读者对文字报道中描写的事件往往会产生目睹形象的欲望。尽管许多研究已经证明照片具有增加读者的力量,增强传播效果的力量和影响读者认识的力量。但是在报纸编辑往往还没有受到应有的重视,如对照片的剪裁、复制质量或新闻价值,不是象对文字稿那样进行认真的研究。每当版面受到限制时,照片通常首先被删去,而当版面有余时,又是首先扩编文字稿而不是扩编照片。这种对新闻摄影缺乏认识的偏见应该得到纠正。研究人员调查了美国中西部的《电讯先驱报》、《每日缩影》等四家报纸的读者,发现《电讯先 In the news dissemination process, select the appropriate photo to match the text report, the key role is usually picture editing. Newspaper photo editing choice of photos than the text editor of the text changes is more important. Readers of the story described in the text often have the desire to see the image. Although many studies have shown that photographs have the power to increase readership, increase the power of communication and influence readership. But newspaper editors often fail to receive the attention they deserve, such as the tailoring of photos, the quality of reproduction, or the value of news, rather than earnestly studying them as they would if they were written. Whenever a layout is limited, photos are usually first deleted, and when there is more than one layout, texts are expanded rather than expanded. This lack of awareness of news photography should be corrected. Researchers surveyed readers of four newspapers, the Telecommunications Herald and Daily Minute, in the Midwestern United States and found that "telecommunications first
一、前言 碳化硅陶瓷材料具有耐高温、抗冲刷、耐腐蚀,抗热震、耐磨、重量轻及良好的热传导性能,它的硬度为碳化钨的两倍,而比重仅为碳化钨的五分之一,而且强度在1400℃之内
明人沈思孝《晋录》有云:“平阳、泽潞豪商大贾甲天下,非数十万不称富。”可见晋商之名在明代已初露端倪,至清代后,政府更将全国盐政尽归晋商,延续了晋商五百年辉煌,这在银锭收藏中颇能佐证。  今见到一枚云南大方槽七两银锭,为晋商“王泰来”号公估银,验槽深峻,铭文大气,重约240克,颜色白润而沉稳,银锭气孔中有金黄色的多彩宝光,银锭本身色彩为雪白色,由于在使用中受人们触摸、氧化等,银锭已自然生成了一层银锈