
来源 :岩石力学与工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weedppp
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高填方边坡稳定问题是目前岩土工程界研究的热点,也是尚未解决的一个难点。通过对某山区机场3#高填方边坡滑移变形过程进行监测,首次对这种高填方边坡变形全过程及机制进行时空综合分析;根据推测滑移面位置对滑带土强度参数进行反演分析,同时,采用有限元软件对高填方边坡原地基处理、填筑体压实度、地下水水位升降及加筋等与边坡稳定性的关系进行研究。结果包括:(1)山区高填方边坡变形以沉降为主、兼有明显水平侧向位移,时间演化的三阶段和空间裂缝发展的规律明显,属于典型的人工加载的“后推式”滑坡类型;(2)填筑土体或原地基土体中相对软弱夹层一般最先发展为滑移面,地下水位上升可显著降低滑带土黏聚力和边坡稳定系数;(3)提高填筑土体压实度、降低水位、设置土工织物均能有效提高边坡的稳定性,但原地基处理合格与否直接决定其上部高填方边坡能否稳定;(4)初步提出高填方边坡变形控制建议和稳定性评价标准,可供高填方规范编制和工程实践参考。 The problem of high fill slope stability is the hot spot in the geotechnical engineering research and also an unsolved problem. Through the monitoring of the slip deformation process of 3 # high-fill slope in a mountainous area airport, the spatial-temporal comprehensive analysis of the deformation process and mechanism of the high-fill slope is carried out for the first time. According to the estimation of slip surface strength, At the same time, using the finite element software to study the relationship between the slope stability and the foundation treatment of high fill slope, the degree of compaction of filling body, the rise and fall of groundwater level, reinforcement and so on. The results are as follows: (1) The deformation of the high embankment slope in the mountainous area is dominated by subsidence with obvious horizontal lateral displacement. The three stages of time evolution and the development of space cracks are obvious, belonging to the typical manual loading “pushback ”Landslide type; (2) The relatively weak intercalated layers in the filled or original ground-based soil generally first develop into slip planes. The rise of groundwater level can significantly reduce the cohesion of landslide soil and the slope stability coefficient; (3) ) Improve the degree of compaction of soil compaction, reduce the water level, geotextiles can effectively improve the stability of the slope, but whether the treatment of the original foundation directly determine the stability of the upper high side slope; (4) preliminary Proposed high fill side slope deformation control recommendations and stability evaluation criteria for high-filling specifications and engineering practice reference.
以小保当矿井水为研究对象,研究了不同浊度下PAC与PAM的最佳投药量,研究表明,当原水浊度小于1900 NTU时,污水浊度与PAC、PAM用量成正相关,随着原水浊度的增高,PAC与PAM投药量
采用室内收集与震落法,对广西松突圆蚧(Hemiberlesia Pitysophila Takagi)主要疫区玉林市的松突圆蚧天敌瓢虫种类进行了调查,发现松突圆蚧天敌瓢虫3种:四川寡节瓢虫(Telsimia sic