要想搞好管理,首选必须认识到管理工作的重要性。然而对于管理的重要性,人们往往认识不足,绝大多数人都可能承认自己不懂科技,不懂经营,却很少有人承认自己不懂管理。一谈到管理,几乎所有的人都觉得自己是行家里手,特别是一些不在管理岗位上的人, 他们总觉得管理工作不过是和稀泥、泼冷水再加火上浇油,是最简单不过的事,居然让这些管理者把企业弄得如此狼狈、漏洞百出,实在是无能之极。事实上,管理工作看似简单,实则繁难;
If you want to do a good job in management, you must first realize the importance of management. However, for the importance of management, people often lack understanding. Most people may admit that they do not understand technology and do not know how to operate, but few people admit that they do not understand management. When it comes to management, almost everyone feels that they are self-employed, especially those who are not in management positions. They always feel that management work is nothing more than muddy and cold water. It is the easiest thing to do. In fact, it is incompetent for these managers to make the company so devious and flawed. In fact, management work may seem simple, but in reality it is difficult;