
来源 :铁道学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wheat
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铁路空车调配问题是一个比较复杂的问题,目前国内在这方面的研究主要集中在静态宏观均衡调控上,而国外的研究则主要关注于日常调配的动态变化上。本文首先对该问题的国内外研究现状进行了综述,然后从我国铁路生产实际出发深入分析研究空车优化调配的策略和途径。基于空车服务时空网络的构建,采用动态规划方法提出了铁路局(公司)管内空车调配的多阶段策略优化模型。模型考虑了编组计划、列车运行图、技术计划和日班计划的影响,并在目标上谋求空车调配费用最小化。此外,模型实现了铁路局(公司)日常空车调配中排空和配空的综合优化,为空车调整阶段计划的编制提供了理论优化依据。最后,通过数值算例分析,模型的有效性得到证明。 The problem of empty car deployment is a complicated issue. At present, the domestic research in this field mainly focuses on the static macroeconomic equilibrium control, while the overseas research mainly focuses on the dynamic changes of daily deployment. This article first summarizes the research status of this issue both at home and abroad, and then from the actual railway production in our country to analyze and study in-depth optimization of empty allocation strategy and approach. Based on the construction of empty-service space-time network, a dynamic programming method is proposed to optimize the multi-stage strategy of empty allocation in the railway bureau (company). The model takes into account the impact of marshalling plans, train operations plans, technical plans and day programs, and seeks to minimize the cost of empty vehicles on the target. In addition, the model realizes the comprehensive optimization of the emptying and emptying of daily emptying allocation of railway bureaus (company), which provides theoretical optimization basis for the preparation of emptying schedule. Finally, through the numerical example analysis, the validity of the model is proved.
声势浩大的奥运电视广告投放攻势马上就要到来,广告主应该如何应对,电视频道的发展未来有着怎样的发展趋势。    在电视界,没有什么东西是一定的,尤其是频道的优势,所以说“电视无定向风”。比如说以前某某卫视很不错,但现在可能未必还具有优势了。所以广告主在电视的投放时,一定不要有惯性思维。因为频道收视的格局无时无刻不在发生着变化,而这种变化是绝对不能忽视的。以前的经验不能用到现在,任何广告公司“倚老卖老