为确定 NHR- 10钆组件增殖因子与组件参数之间的定量关系 ,采用 TRANP程序进行组件计算 ,并进行分段低阶拟合和不分段高阶拟合 ,给出了组件增殖因子随燃耗变化的拟合曲线。计算结果表明 :可燃毒物排列与组件增殖因子无关。组件增殖因子与富集度、钆毒物质量分数、可燃毒物根数的近似数量关系可以通过分段低阶拟合来表示。分段低阶拟合比不分段高阶拟合具有更高的精度。这些结果为组件设计和燃料循环研究中组件特性描述提供了一种近似的表示方法
To determine the quantitative relationship between NHR-10 gadolinium component proliferation factor and component parameters, the TRANP program was used to calculate the components, and the low-order and high-order fits were performed. Fit curve. The calculation results show that the arrangement of flammable toxins has nothing to do with the component proliferation factor. The approximate quantitative relationship between component proliferation factor and enrichment degree, gadolinium poisonous mass fraction, and flammable poison root number can be expressed by piecewise low-order fitting. Fractional lower order fits better than nonsegmented higher order fits. These results provide an approximate representation of component characterization in component design and fuel cycle studies