(一) 纵观近代,中国的近代学堂酝酿于鸦片战争之初,发轫于洋务运动之时,风行于戊戌维新之后,呈应时、顺势、梯进势态。然而严格地说,江西的近代学堂实际拖到本世纪初才迟迟问世,落后于中国近代社会的开端,至少有60年之久。这种现象的产生,是多种因素导致的结果。中国的近代学堂是以鸦片战争为契机得以酝酿的。当时林则徐在抗英斗争中,透过英军的“船坚炮利”,从深层看到了西方近代化学堂的优长,并得出了“制夷”尚须“师夷”的醒世之论。所以,他早在使粤之初就身体力行,“日日使人刺探西事,翻译西书,又购其新闻纸”,着意汲收适用的西学?并在广州亲自主持了近代中国第一个翻译西方学识的团
(A) Throughout modern times, China’s modern school brewing in the beginning of the Opium War, made its debut in the Westernization Movement, popular in the Reform Movement of 1898, was a timely, homeopathic, ladder into the state of affairs. Strictly speaking, however, the practice of modern schools in Jiangxi was delayed until the beginning of this century and lagged behind the beginning of modern Chinese society for at least 60 years. This phenomenon is the result of many factors. China’s modern school was brewed by the opium war. At that time, in the anti-British struggle, Lin Zexu saw the superiority of the Western Modern Chemistry School through the British “ship’s benevolence and fortune.” s. Therefore, as early as the beginning of his administration in Guangdong, he “tried to spying on West Day and day, translating the Western Scriptures and buying his newsprint,” deliberately drawing on applicable Western studies and personally chaired the first translation of modern China in Guangzhou Western learning group