由《外国文学研究》杂志社、湖北省外国文学学会主办,中南财经政法大学外国语学院承办的“库切研究与后殖民文学”国际学术研讨会将于2010年11月19-21日在武汉召开。大会将邀请国内外著名学者与会。英国著名后殖民理论批评家牛津大学Elleke Boehmer教授、英国约克大学David Attwe
The International Symposium on “Coetzee Studies and Post-Colonial Literature” hosted by “Foreign Literary Studies” magazine and Hubei Provincial Institute of Foreign Languages and hosted by the School of Foreign Languages of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law will be held on November 19-21, 2010 at Wuhan held. The conference will invite famous scholars from home and abroad to attend the conference. Well-known British post-colonial theory critics Professor Elleke Boehmer University of Oxford, University of York David Attwe