几年来的实践证明 :“从新教师到骨干教师”一条龙式的培训行之有效。它帮助了一批批小学新教师成为合格教师 ,并促使大批合格教师成长为小学骨干教师 ,成为全市小学教育教学的中坚力量。“从新教师到骨干教师”培训的具体作法是实行“三步走”。第一步 :转换角色 ,入门上岗每
Practice over the past few years has proved that one-stop train training from “new teachers to key teachers” has been effective. It helped a group of primary school new teachers to become qualified teachers and promoted a large number of qualified teachers to become primary school backbone teachers and became the backbone of the city's primary education and teaching. The concrete practice of training from “new teachers to key teachers” is to implement “three steps.” The first step: the role of conversion, entry-job every