【摘要】目的探讨广西瑶族中老年人体脂的分布情况,分析脂肪率(PBF)和体重指数(BMI)的关系,为瑶族中老年人的肥胖诊断提供依据。方法随机抽取403名(男性162名,女性241名)广西瑶族健康中老年人作为研究对象,检测受试者的PBF和BMI。结果广西瑶族中老年人各年龄段女性PBF均高于男性,差异有统计学意义(P<001);而女性BMI除45~年龄段低于男性外,其他各年龄段与男性比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);男性的PBF和BMI在55岁后呈下降趋势,女性的PBF和BMI在50岁后呈下降趋势;除55~年龄段外,男性在其他年龄段PBF肥胖检出率明显低于女性(P<0.05),而男女性各年龄段的BMI肥胖检出率比较无统计学意义(P>0.05);瑶族中老年男女以PBF和BMI判断的肥胖率存在显著相关性和明显的一致性。结论 PBF比单纯BMI更能反映人体肥胖的实际情况,能更准确地为瑶族中老年人肥胖的诊断提供依据。
【Abstract】ObjectiveTo explore the distribution of body fat in middleaged and aged Yao people in Guangxi,analyze relation between percentage of body fat(PBF) and body mass index(BMI),so as to provide evidence for diagnosis of obesity among middleaged and aged Yao people.Methods403 healthy middleaged and aged Yao people(162 males and 241 females) were selected to this study.And their PBF and BMI were detected.ResultsThe PBF of the females in each age group was all higher than that of the males among middleaged and aged Yao people in Guangxi,difference was statistically significant(P<0.01).However,except BMI of females aged 45 or above was lower than that of the males,difference of BMI of females and males in each age group was not statistically significant(P>0.05).PBF and BMI of males began to decline after the age of 55,while those of the females began to decline after the age of 50.Except 55 years old or above,PBF detection rate of obesity of males in other age group was significantly lower than that of the females(P<0.05),and difference of BMI detection rate of obesity among males and females in each age group was not statistically significant(P>0.05).Obesity rates of middleaged and aged Yao males and females which were judged by PBF and BMI have significant relation and obvious consistency.ConclusionCompared with simple BMI,PBF is a more practical way to reflect actual situation of obesity,it can provide diagnostic reference more accurately for obesity of middleaged and aged Yao people.
【Key words】PBF;BMI;Yao people;obesity rate
研究認为身体成分与许多健康问题和疾病之间都有密切的关系,如糖尿病、肥胖症、高血压、高脂血症及心血管疾病等[1~5]。由于肥胖实际是人体体脂含量过高,多数学者认为以体脂肪百分比作为衡量肥胖的标准更为客观[6~7]。但体重指数(body mass index,BMI)简单易测,与体脂有一定相关性,因而被国际广泛用于肥胖的判定。本研究通过测定广西瑶族中老年人BMI与体脂百分比的分布情况,比较两者判断肥胖的一致性以及相关关系,为我国瑶族中老年人肥胖诊断提供理论依据。
1对象与方法1.1研究对象2015年7~9月,在知情同意的情况下,运用随机抽样的调查方法,到广西百色市凌云县下甲乡弄福村、彩架村,汪甸乡六核村,沙里乡果卜村,朝里乡的北朝村;贺州市富川县朝东乡、麦林乡、福利镇等地,抽取3代以上(含3代)均为瑶族,且身体健康的403名(男162名,女241名)中老年人为研究对象,中老年人年龄为45~69岁,每5岁划分1个年龄段,共5个年龄段,男、女性共10组。 1.2體成分测定本研究利用TBF418B型人体成分分析仪测定体成分。在安静状态下,让受试者裸足立于测试仪上,通过无痛电流,测定身体对电流的阻抗,获得受试者体成分的相关数据。
1.4统计学方法体成分分析软件导出测量所得数据,利用SPSS 18.0统计软件对数据进行描述性分析;对于PBF和BMI比较采用两独立样本t和t’检验,对于计数资料比较采用卡方检验,检验水准:α=0.05。
综上所述,脂肪率可以较客观地反映人体肥胖的变化规律,用于判定肥胖程度比BMI更符合实际情况,且测量方法简便易行,为中老年人的肥胖诊断标准提供依据,值得推广应用。参考文献[1]AdamusLeach HJ,Wilson PL,O’Connor DP,et al.Depression,stress and body fat are associated with binge eating in a community sample of African American and Hispanic women[J].Eat Weight Disord,2013,18(2):221227.
[2]Pereira da Silva A,Matos A,Valente A,et al.Body Composition Assessment and Nutritional Status valuation in Men and Women Portuguese Centenrians[J].J Nutr Health Aging,2016,20(3):256266.
[3]Zhu W,Mai Z,Qin J,et al.Difference in 24Hour UrineComposition between Diabetic and NonDiabetic adults without Nephrolithiasis [J].PLo S One,2016,11(2): e0150006.
[4]Szymańska E,Bouwman J,Strassburg K,et al.Genderdependent associations of metabolite profiles and body fat distribution in a healthy population with central obesity:towards metabolomics diagnostics[J].OMICS,2012,16(12):652667.
[5]Park HW,Kim YH,Cho M,et al.Adolescent build plotting on body composition chart and the type of diabetes mellitus[J].J Korean Med Sci,2012,27(11):13851390. [6]张倩,杜维倩,胡小琪,等.北京市儿童少年体重指数与体脂百分比关系的分析[J].中华流行病学杂志,2004,25(2):113117.
[7]Freedman DS,Ogden CL,Berenson GS,et al.Body mass index and body fatness in childhood[J].Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care,2005,8(6):618623.
[9]Kelly T,Yang W,Chen CS,et al.Global burden of obesity in 2005 and projections to 2030[J].Int J Obes (Lond),2008,32(9):14311437.
[10]Ng M,Fleming T,Robinson M,et al. Global,regional,and national prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 19802013:a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013[J].Lancet,2014,384(9945):766781.
[11]WHO Expert Consultation.Appropriate bodymass index for Asian populations and its implications for policy and intervention strategies[J].Lancet,2004,363(9403):157163.
[12]Whitlock G,Lewington S,Sherliker P,et al.Bodymass index and causespecific mortality in 900 000 adults:collaborative analyses of 57 prospective studies[J].Lancet,2009,373(9669):10831096.
[13]Kodama S,Horikawa C,Fujihara K,et al.Comparisons of the strength of associations with future type 2 diabetes risk among anthropometric obesity indicators,including waisttoheight ratio:a metaanalysis[J].Am J Epidemiol,2012,176(11):959969.
[14]Bray GA.Medical consequences of obesity[J].J Clin Endocrinol Metab,2004,89(6):25832589.
[15]Abdullah A,Peeters A,de Courten M,et al.The magnitude of association between overweight and obesity and the risk of diabetes:a metaanalysis of prospective cohort studies[J].Diabetes Res Clin Pract,2010,89(3):309319.
[17]张维蔚,刘伟佳,林蓉,等.广州市城区6 11岁小学生体脂百分比与体质指数关系的分析[J].中国儿童保健杂志,2008,16(3):271272,274.
【Abstract】ObjectiveTo explore the distribution of body fat in middleaged and aged Yao people in Guangxi,analyze relation between percentage of body fat(PBF) and body mass index(BMI),so as to provide evidence for diagnosis of obesity among middleaged and aged Yao people.Methods403 healthy middleaged and aged Yao people(162 males and 241 females) were selected to this study.And their PBF and BMI were detected.ResultsThe PBF of the females in each age group was all higher than that of the males among middleaged and aged Yao people in Guangxi,difference was statistically significant(P<0.01).However,except BMI of females aged 45 or above was lower than that of the males,difference of BMI of females and males in each age group was not statistically significant(P>0.05).PBF and BMI of males began to decline after the age of 55,while those of the females began to decline after the age of 50.Except 55 years old or above,PBF detection rate of obesity of males in other age group was significantly lower than that of the females(P<0.05),and difference of BMI detection rate of obesity among males and females in each age group was not statistically significant(P>0.05).Obesity rates of middleaged and aged Yao males and females which were judged by PBF and BMI have significant relation and obvious consistency.ConclusionCompared with simple BMI,PBF is a more practical way to reflect actual situation of obesity,it can provide diagnostic reference more accurately for obesity of middleaged and aged Yao people.
【Key words】PBF;BMI;Yao people;obesity rate
研究認为身体成分与许多健康问题和疾病之间都有密切的关系,如糖尿病、肥胖症、高血压、高脂血症及心血管疾病等[1~5]。由于肥胖实际是人体体脂含量过高,多数学者认为以体脂肪百分比作为衡量肥胖的标准更为客观[6~7]。但体重指数(body mass index,BMI)简单易测,与体脂有一定相关性,因而被国际广泛用于肥胖的判定。本研究通过测定广西瑶族中老年人BMI与体脂百分比的分布情况,比较两者判断肥胖的一致性以及相关关系,为我国瑶族中老年人肥胖诊断提供理论依据。
1对象与方法1.1研究对象2015年7~9月,在知情同意的情况下,运用随机抽样的调查方法,到广西百色市凌云县下甲乡弄福村、彩架村,汪甸乡六核村,沙里乡果卜村,朝里乡的北朝村;贺州市富川县朝东乡、麦林乡、福利镇等地,抽取3代以上(含3代)均为瑶族,且身体健康的403名(男162名,女241名)中老年人为研究对象,中老年人年龄为45~69岁,每5岁划分1个年龄段,共5个年龄段,男、女性共10组。 1.2體成分测定本研究利用TBF418B型人体成分分析仪测定体成分。在安静状态下,让受试者裸足立于测试仪上,通过无痛电流,测定身体对电流的阻抗,获得受试者体成分的相关数据。
1.4统计学方法体成分分析软件导出测量所得数据,利用SPSS 18.0统计软件对数据进行描述性分析;对于PBF和BMI比较采用两独立样本t和t’检验,对于计数资料比较采用卡方检验,检验水准:α=0.05。
综上所述,脂肪率可以较客观地反映人体肥胖的变化规律,用于判定肥胖程度比BMI更符合实际情况,且测量方法简便易行,为中老年人的肥胖诊断标准提供依据,值得推广应用。参考文献[1]AdamusLeach HJ,Wilson PL,O’Connor DP,et al.Depression,stress and body fat are associated with binge eating in a community sample of African American and Hispanic women[J].Eat Weight Disord,2013,18(2):221227.
[2]Pereira da Silva A,Matos A,Valente A,et al.Body Composition Assessment and Nutritional Status valuation in Men and Women Portuguese Centenrians[J].J Nutr Health Aging,2016,20(3):256266.
[3]Zhu W,Mai Z,Qin J,et al.Difference in 24Hour UrineComposition between Diabetic and NonDiabetic adults without Nephrolithiasis [J].PLo S One,2016,11(2): e0150006.
[4]Szymańska E,Bouwman J,Strassburg K,et al.Genderdependent associations of metabolite profiles and body fat distribution in a healthy population with central obesity:towards metabolomics diagnostics[J].OMICS,2012,16(12):652667.
[5]Park HW,Kim YH,Cho M,et al.Adolescent build plotting on body composition chart and the type of diabetes mellitus[J].J Korean Med Sci,2012,27(11):13851390. [6]张倩,杜维倩,胡小琪,等.北京市儿童少年体重指数与体脂百分比关系的分析[J].中华流行病学杂志,2004,25(2):113117.
[7]Freedman DS,Ogden CL,Berenson GS,et al.Body mass index and body fatness in childhood[J].Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care,2005,8(6):618623.
[9]Kelly T,Yang W,Chen CS,et al.Global burden of obesity in 2005 and projections to 2030[J].Int J Obes (Lond),2008,32(9):14311437.
[10]Ng M,Fleming T,Robinson M,et al. Global,regional,and national prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 19802013:a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013[J].Lancet,2014,384(9945):766781.
[11]WHO Expert Consultation.Appropriate bodymass index for Asian populations and its implications for policy and intervention strategies[J].Lancet,2004,363(9403):157163.
[12]Whitlock G,Lewington S,Sherliker P,et al.Bodymass index and causespecific mortality in 900 000 adults:collaborative analyses of 57 prospective studies[J].Lancet,2009,373(9669):10831096.
[13]Kodama S,Horikawa C,Fujihara K,et al.Comparisons of the strength of associations with future type 2 diabetes risk among anthropometric obesity indicators,including waisttoheight ratio:a metaanalysis[J].Am J Epidemiol,2012,176(11):959969.
[14]Bray GA.Medical consequences of obesity[J].J Clin Endocrinol Metab,2004,89(6):25832589.
[15]Abdullah A,Peeters A,de Courten M,et al.The magnitude of association between overweight and obesity and the risk of diabetes:a metaanalysis of prospective cohort studies[J].Diabetes Res Clin Pract,2010,89(3):309319.
[17]张维蔚,刘伟佳,林蓉,等.广州市城区6 11岁小学生体脂百分比与体质指数关系的分析[J].中国儿童保健杂志,2008,16(3):271272,274.