辨析中国专利制度中的禁止反悔规则 《最高人民法院关于审理侵犯专利权纠纷案件应用法律若干问题的解释》中关于“无效宣告程序中放弃的技术”的规定及相关案例分析

来源 :中国专利与商标 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengweimin
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我国现在的专利制度似乎正在实施所谓的全面禁止反悔规则。一方面,在专利侵权诉讼中,专利权人可因专利申请过程中或者专利无效宣告程序中所作的限缩性修改和陈述而被禁止反悔,另一方面,在专利无效宣告程序和专利无效诉讼程序中,他又可因自己在专利侵权法律程序中的陈述而被禁止反 Our current patent system seems to be implementing the so-called comprehensive prohibition of regret. On the one hand, in the patent infringement litigation, the patentee may be forbidden to return because of the restrictive modification and statement made during the patent application process or the patent invalidation procedure. On the other hand, in the patent invalidation procedure and the patent invalidation lawsuit In the proceeding, he may be prohibited from doing so because of his own presentation in the legal proceedings for patent infringement