经一九九四年以来的积极筹划,由西藏自治区登山协会发起、组织并得到中国登山协会大力支持的喜马拉雅登山国际研讨会,将于五月二十一日至二十八日在西藏召开。 此次会议是根据喜马拉雅登山热方兴未艾的趋势召的,旨在促进喜马拉雅登山热和国际登山事业的进一步发展,加强各国登山界的交流和合作,增进国内外登山界的友谊。与会代表将介绍本国开展登山活动的情况,对进一步发展以喜马拉雅为主的国际登山事业提出建设性的建议,研究共同保护山峰资源和山
The Himalayan mountaineering international seminar, initiated by the Tibet Autonomous Region’s Mountaineering Association and strongly supported by the China Mountaineering Association since 1994, has been held in Tibet from May 21 to May 28. The meeting is based on the ascendant trend of mountaineering heat in the Himalayas. It aims to promote the further development of the Himalayan mountaineering fever and international mountaineering activities, enhance the exchanges and cooperation among mountaineering communities in all countries, and enhance the friendship between mountaineering communities at home and abroad. The delegates will introduce their own mountaineering activities, to further develop the Himalayan-based international mountaineering put forward constructive proposals to study jointly protect mountain resources and mountains