汪昱庭先生自本世纪二十年代初,不仅在琵琶演奏方面能集众家之长取得卓越的成就,而且还广收学生精心传授琵琶技艺而享誉沪上,被后人称之为“汪派”、近代琵琶的一代宗师。 汪昱庭,字敏,号子夷。安徽休宁人。他于1872年9月29日出生在皖南山区的一个农民家庭,自幼深受“徽文化”的董陶和影响,酷爱吹笛品箫。十三岁时随乡人到上海南市的一家棉布庄学徒,工余学习三弦、琵琶等。辛亥革命前后,汪昱庭任华商纱布交易所亨花号经理并一生以商为业。他的爱子过早去世为汪先生带来精神上的极度悲伤,他那残烛之躯从此每况愈下,于1951年2月20日逝于上海,享年80岁。
Since the early 20s of this century, Mr. Wang Yu-ting has made remarkable achievements not only in the performance of pipa but also in the teaching of pipa since it was widely accepted by students. , A generation of master of modern pipa. Wang Yu Ting, Zi Min, son of Yi. Xiuning Anhui. He was born on September 29, 1872 in a peasant family in the mountainous area of southern Anhui. Since his childhood he was greatly influenced by Dong Tao He of “Hui Culture” and was fond of pigeon flute. Thirteen years old with the township to Shanghai Nan City, a cotton cloth apprenticeship, Sanxian learn pipa, spare time and so on. Before and after the Revolution of 1911, Wang Yu-ting was the manager of the Hang Seng Bank of China Sarbanes-Oxley and spent his whole life doing business. His beloved son died prematurely brought great mental sadness for Mr. Wang, his flesh candle from deteriorating conditions, in February 20, 1951 died in Shanghai, at the age of 80.