重构教材 优化设计——“函数的单调性与导数”教学设计探究

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对于函数单调性的研究在高中可分为两个阶段:第一个阶段是在数学《必修1》中,用定义研究函数单调性;第二阶段在《选修2-2》中,用导数研究函数的单调性。利用导数研究函数在高考中占有重要的一席之地,是高中数学教学中大家公认的重要章节,曾多次观摩、听评该课,并在参加讲课比赛中因该课获一等奖,故有一些认识和体会,在此与同仁们分享,共同探究。 The research on the monotonicity of function can be divided into two stages in high school: the first stage is to define the monotonicity of the function in the definition of “Compulsory 1” in mathematics; the second stage is to use the derivative study in “Elective 2-2” Monotonicity of the function. The use of derivative research function occupies an important place in the college entrance examination, is an acknowledged important chapter in high school mathematics teaching, has repeatedly observed, listen to the class, and in the lecture competition because of the class won the first prize, so there are some Understanding and experience, share with colleagues here, to explore together.