当谈到 Internet接入时 ,越来越多的争论集中在哪一种技术会有更大的增长 ,是 ADSL (非对称数字用户线 )还是 Cable Mo dem (有线电视调制解调器 )。但IDC最新的研究表明 ,争论这个问题是不切实际的。两种技术各有自己的市场 ,互相不构成威胁 ,因为它们针对不同类型的用户。Cab
When it comes to Internet access, more and more debate is focused on what kind of technology will have greater growth, is ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) or Cable Mo dem (cable modem). However, the latest IDC research shows that it is unrealistic to argue this issue. Both technologies have their own markets and do not pose a threat to each other as they target different types of users. Cab