据美国农业资源公司的市场分析人士透露 ,2 0 0 1年玉米价格将会上涨。目前 ,世界范围内的粗粮库存对用量的比率位于“过去 2 5年里最低的 4个年份之一。”而库存对用量比率降低被认为是商品价格上涨的最准确指数之一。造成世界玉米库存减少的一个重要因素是中国 2 0 0 0年玉米
According to market analysts at American Agricultural Resources Inc., corn prices will rise in 2001. Currently, the world-wide ratio of coarse grains to stocks is located in “one of the four lowest years in the past 25 years.” The reduction in the stock-to-consumption ratio is considered one of the most accurate indicators of a rise in commodity prices. An important factor contributing to the reduction of world corn stocks is China’s maize in 2000