近年来由弯曲菌(Campylobacter)引起的人类感染不断被发现,其中尤以胎儿弯曲菌空肠亚种(Campylobacter fetus subsp jejuni)简称空肠弯曲菌(Campylobacter jejuni)引起的肠道感染较常见。欧美从5~14%的腹泻患者及近1%的无症状人群中分离到该菌。日本最近从腹泻患者中的检出率达23%,超过沙门氏菌属。在卢旺达、南非、扎伊尔的研究证明空肠弯曲菌感染是很常见的,而且在发展中国家作为腹泻的病原比起在工业化国家更为重要。国内自从1981年5月上海证实
In recent years, human infections caused by Campylobacter have been continuously discovered. Especially Campylobacter fetus subsp jejuni, Campylobacter jejuni, is the most common intestinal infection. Europe and the United States from 5 to 14% of diarrhea patients and nearly 1% of asymptomatic populations isolated from the bacteria. Japan recently detected 23% of patients with diarrhea, outpacing Salmonella. Studies in Rwanda, South Africa and Zaire have demonstrated that Campylobacter jejuni infections are common and are more important as diarrheal pathogens in developing countries than in industrialized countries. Since May 1981 in Shanghai confirmed