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Objective In order to observe the role of genetically modified Schwann cell (SC) with pSVPoMcat in the regeneration of injured spinal cord.Method The cells were implanted into the spinal cord.Ninety SD rats were used to establish a model of hemi- transection of spinal cord at the level of T8,and were divided into three groups,randomly, that is,pSVPoMcat modified SC implantation(Group A), SC implantation(Group B),and without cell implantation as control(Group C).After three months the presence of axonal regeneration of the injured spinal cord was examined by means of horseradish peroxidase(HRP)retrograde labeling technique and stereography.Result The results indicated that HRP labeled cells in Group A and B could be found in the superior region of injured spinal cord and the brain stem such as the red nuclei and oculomotor nuclei. The density of ventral horn neurons of the spinal cord and the number of myelinated axons in 100 μ m of the white matter was A >B >C group.Conclusion In brief,the pSVPoMcat modified SC intraspinal implantation could promote regeneration of the injured spinal cord.
目的探讨断指再植术后系统性、计划性康复措施的临床应用效果 . 方法采用运动康复为主 , 辅以理疗、作业疗法及感觉训练等综合措施对 1996年 7月以来的 223例 279指断指再植
先后对 21例 ( 32髋 ) 股骨头缺血性坏死 (ANFH)病人进行股骨头钻孔减压,置管溶栓活血并术后康复治疗,取得了明显疗效,现报告如下.
自 1997~ 1999年,笔者采用中药煎剂浸泡治疗踝关节损伤,效果满意,现报道如下.
Method We used biomechanical methods in controlling strain of anterior tibial muscles of rabbits .Objective To observe the histological and enzymohistochemical
We studied 22 Wilmstumors of children immunohistochemically.Weve found that the positive rate of p53 in slices was 31.8% (7),of nm23 was 50% (11),and of p16 was