
来源 :生态学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijiancuowu
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Biomass is one of the important items for today ,s regional forest resources inventory and monitoring. However, the current biomass models have two big problems,that is,the biomass estimator is not compatible with the volume estimator,and total biomass estimator is not compatible with the biomass estimators of stem,branch, beaf etc. In present paper,a new compatible tree biomass model system for Chinese fir was presented based on volume being selected as explanatory variable and two or more simultaneous models being estimated dependently. These new models could solve the two problems above and have higher precision and better applicability than the currently-used biomass models. Biomass is one of the important items for today, yet regional biomass resource inventory and monitoring. However, the current biomass models have two big problems, that is, the biomass estimator is not compatible with the volume estimator, and total biomass estimator is not compatible with the biomass estimators of stem, branch, beaf etc. In present paper, a new compatible tree biomass model system for Chinese fir was presented based on volume being selected as explanatory variable and two or more simultaneous models being estimated dependently. These new models could solve the two problems above and have higher precision and better applicability than the currently-used biomass models.
今年“申遗”连中三元令人欣喜,也不免让人担忧,忧虑的是:“盛名”会不会带来旅游开发过度的负担?  不消说,鼓浪屿在被列入世界文化遗产名录之前,旅游产业早已经过数十年开发,而可可西里因高居青藏高原,除了坐在进藏列车全封闭车厢里的乘客以外,大约只有少数自驾一族能通过青藏公路饱览其美景,因此前瞻其旅游开发力度,恐怕不会比鼓浪屿更大。  倒是同样新入选世界遗产的北武夷山,此处曾长期是中国东南的一个经济中心