本文主要研究了网站安全狗在SQL注入防护方面的缺陷。SQL注入是一种危害和普及率都非常大的攻击方式,而网站安全狗是国内Web应用防护系统(简称:WAF)中的佼佼者。通过对网站安全狗的WAF规则的研究,提出了利用注释符绕过SQL注入防护的方法。分别在My SQL、Mssql、Oracle以及Access等4种常用数据库的测试环境下,成功测试并验证了本文提出的绕过方法。在讨论了基于规则的Web应用防护系统基础上,介绍了一种新的基于行为异常的检测方式,这种方式可以更加精确的检测黑客的攻击。
This article mainly studies the website security dog in the SQL injection protection flaws. SQL injection is a very harmful and popular attack methods, and Web site security dog is a Web application protection system (referred to as: WAF) leader. Through the study of the Web site security dog WAF rules, put forward the use of annotation symbol bypass SQL injection protection method. In the test environment of MySQL, Mssql, Oracle, Access and other four commonly used databases, we successfully test and verify the bypass method proposed in this paper. After discussing the rules-based web application protection system, a new behavior-based detection approach is introduced, which can detect hacker attacks more accurately.