河南省鄢陵县是一个以种植业为主的农业大县,全辖有独立核算的农信社 15个,49个营业网点。近年来,该县联社确立“信贷跟着产业走”的支农思路, 通过创新发展思路,集中资金支持农业产业结构调整,集中精力创建信用环境, 集中优势创新金融服务,闯出了一条富农兴社的发展之路,实现了农信社与县域经济共同发展的良性互动。2001年起, 该县联社连续4年在河南省144家县(区) 联社综合业务评比中名列前茅,获全省农信社系统“十大先进联社”称号。
Yanling County, Henan Province, is a major agricultural farming county, the jurisdiction of an independent accounting RCC 15, 49 outlets. In recent years, the county association established the idea of supporting agriculture that “credit follows the industry”. Through innovative development ideas, the county centralized funds to support the adjustment of agricultural structure, focused on creating a credit environment, focused on advantages and innovative financial services, The development of society, the realization of the rural credit cooperatives and county economy and the common development of positive interaction. Since 2001, the county association for the first time in 144 counties (districts) in Henan Province ranked the best in the comprehensive business appraisal, the province’s rural credit cooperatives system “Top Ten Advanced Associations” title.