将蒸发冷却技术用于空调,这在美国日益受到人们的重视。一些工厂开发了有关直接蒸发冷却和间接蒸发冷却的产品,它们已经商品化。对蒸发冷却技术的研究及其实际应用在不断扩大。ASHRAE早已成立了名为“蒸发冷却”的技术委员会(TC5.7)。最近还成立一个着手制订一个新的标准(“额定间接蒸发冷却器的试验方法”)的委员会(SPC143P)。在美国蒸发冷却技术所以得到发展是由于其制冷的COP 值很高,可达数十,甚至更高。因此它不仅能降低空调系统的日常耗电量,而且能减少夏季峰值
Evaporative cooling technology for air conditioning, which in the United States increasingly by people’s attention. Some factories have developed products for direct evaporative cooling and indirect evaporative cooling, which have been commercialized. The research of evaporative cooling technology and its practical application are expanding. ASHRAE has long established a technical committee called “evaporative cooling” (TC5.7). A committee (SPC143P) has recently been set up to work on a new standard (“Test Method for Rated Indirect Evaporative Coolers”). Evaporative cooling technology in the United States has been developed because of its high COP COP value, up to tens or even higher. Therefore, it can not only reduce the daily consumption of air conditioning system, but also reduce the summer peak