重庆市酉阳县人武装部长秦礼福。从一个少数民族青年成长为上校军官,30年的军旅生涯,他始终牢记使命。忠于职守,奋发拼搏,努力实践“堂堂正正为人,清清白白为官”的人生信念。先后三次荣立三等功,被成都军区评为民兵军事训练先进个人,被酉阳县委评为优秀共产党员,被四川省军区评为优秀人武干部;1998年被重庆警备区评为先进个人。 投身军营 无悔的选择 1969年2月,秦礼福光荣入伍。他认真学习。刻苦训练,努力掌握军事技能。1974年2月至10
Chongqing Youyang County People’s Armed Forces Qinli Fu. From a minority youth to colonel officer, 30 years of military career, he always keep in mind the mission. Loyal to their dedication, work hard, and strive to practice “dignified man, purely official” life faith. He has won the third class three times in succession, was rated as Chengdu Military Region militia advanced military training individuals, was Youyang County Committee as outstanding Communist Party members by the Sichuan Provincial Military Region as outstanding people and cadres in 1998 by the Chongqing Garrison as advanced individual . Involved in the barracks regretless choice 1969 February, Qin Li Fu glorious enlisted. He studied hard. Work hard to master military skills. February 1974 to 10