
来源 :牡丹江大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuyuallen
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刘易斯·芒福德是20世纪著名的科技哲学家,是人文主义技术哲学的开山鼻祖,一生都深切地关注人类技术与文明的走向。文章从芒福德的视角出发,以技术史中钟表的发明作为突破口,通过对比钟表产生前后人类社会发生的变化,说明钟表加速了机械化与自动化的进程,钟表是工业时代的关键,进而论述钟表的产生加速了人类的异化。 Lewis Mumford is a famous philosopher of science and technology in the 20th century. He is the founder of the humanistic philosophy of technology. He paid close attention to the trend of human technology and civilization all his life. From the perspective of Mumford, taking the invention of clocks in the history of technology as the breakthrough point, this article shows that the clocks speed up the process of mechanization and automation by comparing the changes of human society before and after the clocks are produced. Clocks and clocks are the key to the industrial age, The emergence of accelerated human alienation.
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