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加工硬化的带钢具有内应力大、屈服强度大、屈强比高、延伸率小以及板面瓢曲浪形等特点,如何获得满足客户板形质量要求的冷硬带钢商品卷材一直是业界难题。本文针对国外某重卷机组改造工程,通过对冷硬带钢板形矫直工艺和设备的研究,采用复合矫直工艺及其配套设备,对其进行矫直加工,提高了冷硬薄带钢的板形质量。该机组于2014年10月完成改造并投入生产,目前生产稳定,可实现0.196~0.4mm×914~1 250mm,R_(eL)≤900MPa冷硬薄带钢的板形矫直并提供商品卷,产品实物质量优于合同保证值要求。 Work hardening of steel with internal stress, yield strength, high yield strength, elongation and the surface of small curved shape and so on, how to get satisfied customers shape quality requirements of the cold strip steel coil has been Industry problems. Aiming at the rebuilding project of a re-rolling unit in foreign countries, through the research on the straightening technology and equipment of cold-formed strip steel, the straightening process and its auxiliary equipment are adopted to straighten the cold-formed strip steel Shape quality. The unit was rebuilt and put into production in October 2014. At present, the unit is stable in production and can achieve plate shape straightening of 0.196 ~ 0.4mm × 914 ~ 1 250mm, R_ (eL) ≤900MPa cold hard and thin strip and provide commodity rolls, Product quality is better than the contract guaranteed value requirements.