Expressions of cellular retinoic acid binding proteins I and retinoic acid receptor-β in the guinea

来源 :International Journal of Ophthalmology(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong541
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·AIM:All-trans retinoic acid (RA) is the only extrinsic biochemical candidate known to date that could act as a growth controller,the aim of this study was to investigate the expression cellular retinoic acid binding proteins I (CRABP-I) and retinoic acid receptor-β (RAR-β) in retina of the guinea pig eyes with experimental myopia.·METHODS:Ninety guinea pigs aged 14 days were equally and randomly divided into three groups:form deprivation (FD),-5D lens,and control.The diffusers for FD were white translucent hemispheres,and-5D lenses were used to introduce hyperopic defocus.Refraction was measured with streak retinoscopy after cycloplegia,and axial length was calculated with Cinescan A/B ultrasonography.Retina harvested at different time points were used to measure RA level with HPLC and expressions of cellular retinoic acid binding proteins I (CRABP-I) and RA receptor-β (RAR-β) were assayed with Western blot and Real-time PCR.SPSS13.0 software was used for statistical analysis.·RESULTS:Up-regulations of CRABP-I and RAR-β in ocular tissues correlated with changes in the refractive status and growth rate of the guinea pig eye (P <0.05).14 days of monocular form-deprivation led to-5.14D myopia and a 0.281mm axial elongation;14 days of monocular defocus produced-3.64D myopia and a 0.163 mm axial elongation.The level of retinal RA started to elevate in 7 days (P <0.05) after visual manipulation in both FD and-5D lens groups and became more prominent by 14 days (P <0.01).The expressions of CRABP-I and RAR-β increased by 14 days after visual manipulation (P <0.05),the mRNA level of RAR-β,however,increased by 7 days after visual manipulation (P <0.05),which suggested that changes of expressions of CRABP-I and RAR-β might lag behind the change of RA.·CONCLUSION:The levels of CRABP-I and RAR-β were elevated in retina of the guinea pig eye with experimental myopia.During the progression of experimental myopia,the retinal RA level increased rapidly,and there might be a positive feedback between the increase of RA and up-regulation of RAR-β.· AIM: All-trans retinoic acid (RA) is the only extrinsic biochemical candidate known to date that could act as a growth controller, the aim of this study was to investigate the expression cellular retinoic acid binding proteins I (CRABP-I) and retinoic acid receptor-β (RAR-β) in retina of the guinea pig eyes with experimental myopia. METHODS: Ninety guinea pigs aged 14 days were equally and optionally divided into three groups: form deprivation (FD), - 5D lens, and control. The diffusers for FD were white translucent hemispheres, and-5D lenses were used to introduce hyperopic defocus. Refraction was measured with streak retinoscopy after cycloplegia, and axial length was was calculated with Cinescan A / B ultrasonography. Retina harvested at different time points were used to measure RA level with HPLC and expressions of cellular retinoic acid binding proteins I (CRABP-I) and RA receptor-β (RAR-β) were assayed with Western blot and Real-time PCR. SPSS 13.0 software was used for statistical analysis. · RESULTS: Up-regulations of CRABP-I and RAR-β in ocular tissues correlated with changes in the refractive status and growth rate of the guinea pig eye (P <0.05) .14 days of monocular form-deprivation led to-5.14D myopia and a 0.281 mm axial elongation; 14 days of monocular defocus produced-3.64D myopia and a 0.163 mm axial elongation. the level of retinal RA started to elevate in 7 days (P <0.05) after visual manipulation in both FD and-5D lens groups and became more prominent by 14 days (P <0.01). The expressions of CRABP-I and RAR-β increased by 14 days after visual manipulation (P <0.05) days after visual manipulation (P <0.05), which suggested that changes of expressions of CRABP-I and RAR-β might lag behind the change of RA. CONCLUSION: The levels of CRABP-I and RAR-β were elevated in retina of the guinea pig eye with experimental myopia. Playing the progression of experimental myopia, the retinal RA level increased rapidly, and there might be a positivefeedback between the increase of RA and up-regulation of RAR-β. ·
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