Supply Chain Coordination by Single-Period and Long-Term Contracts with Fuzzy Market Demand

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Due to the uncertainty of the market demand in the supply chain,this paper characterized market demand as a fuzzy variable and proposed single-period and long-term contracts to coordinate the two members(supplier and buyer)in the supply chain.Comparison of the effectiveness of the two contracts indicates that a long-term contract is more effective than a single-period contract in improving the profit potential of both the total supply chain and each member in the supply chain.This conclusion is useful to the decision -maker in supply chains with fuzzy market demand. Due to the uncertainty of the market demand in the supply chain, this paper characterized market demand as a fuzzy variable and proposed single-period and long-term contracts to coordinate the two members (supplier and buyer) in the supply chain. effectiveness of the two contracts says that a long-term contract is more effective than a single-period contract in improving the profit potential of both the total supply chain and each member in the supply chain.This conclusion is useful to the decision -maker in supply chains with fuzzy market demand.
笔者在《收藏界》2011年第8期第67页看到广东蔡炳根先生的《金朝奇珍“大定通宝”背“申酉”折十型银质大钱》一文。文章列举了金代金世宗大定时期“大定通宝”钱币的各个版别,考证了“大定通宝”背“申酉”银质大钱的出处。蔡先生所经历的疑惑和喜悦,读后颇有同感。  笔者九年前同样藏得一枚“大定通宝”背“申酉”银质大钱。该钱币地章平整,钱文字口深峻,仿瘦金体疏朗挺拔,钱币色泽灰暗自然,品相精美(遗憾的是对此