The concept of aggregated signal is introduced. Quantitatively, an aggregated signal can be defined as the scalar signal: it accumulates in its own variations only those spectral components that are p
A method for computing crustal horizontal velocities and strain-rates using repeated GPS survey and other crustal deformation measurement was presented in detail. Based on the data taken from the Crus
The claim that there exists a transition of earthquake energy distribution between small and large earthquakes is checked using broadband radiated energy of earthquakes for global seismicity. Scatteri
I.INTRODUCTION It iS generally accepted that the stress state in the upper crust and upper mantle in the southernQinghai—Xiz~g Plateau is essentially extension
摘 要:笔者根据从事体育教育多年的经验,对如何通过改革学校体育,发挥体育教师个人魅力和榜样作用,提高学生体育运动兴趣,培养学生终身体育意识等方面进行探讨。 关键词:终身体育 学校体育 体育课 体育教师 中图分类号:G64文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-098X(2012)05(b)-0164-01 学生对体育锻炼的兴趣低下,身体素质有下降趋势。因此如何提高学生对体育运动的兴趣,培养学
According to the earthquake focal mechanism solutions of 55 moderately strong earthquakes onthe northeastern side of Pamirs,the spatial and temporal distributio