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在西方文学中,异化并不是一个新主题。把文明、社会看做是人的异化产物、看成一个异己的体系的观点,在西方文学发展史的各个阶段都留下了它或深或浅的脚印。然而在20世纪文学中,人们对这一主题的发展和演绎以及人们对异己社会和文化的状写描摹却显现出非常独特的风格,与以前各个时代的作家们所描绘的图景有着天渊之别。 Alienation is not a new theme in Western literature. Viewing civilization and society as the alienated product of human beings as an alien system has left a deep or shallow footprints in all stages of the development history of western literature. However, in the 20th century literature, the development and deduction of this theme and the depiction of social and cultural alienation of people show a very unique style, which is different from those depicted by writers of all previous ages .
先前听说,荒野中的毒蛇有“七步毒”和“五步毒”之分,倘若被它们咬上一口,行不了几步,便会毙命。更厉害的,怕是顷刻之间就会匐倒在地,去了黄泉路。因此,这荒野僻壤,自古就盛行有“七步例”和“五步倒”之说。  蛇毒毒如是,委实也是够令人胆颤的。谁知,日前忽然又冒出了一个“三步倒”,比起“七步毒”、“五步毒”,这“三步倒”的毒性,那是有过之而无不及的。但这里所说的“三步倒”,并不是什么毒蛇,而是一种剧毒的