:2 0世纪中国文学历经了从挣脱古典到拥抱现代的文学嬗变过程 ,折射出璀璨夺目的人类文化精神之光。它生生不息的生命之源需要源源不竭地延续下去 ,根据“只有逗号 ,没有句号”的文学发展规律 ,2 1世纪文学的最佳选择是实际也很可能是走多元并存、“和而不同”的道路 ,即不失母民族血统的“文化混血”。
20th Century Chinese Literature has gone through the transmutation of literature from breaking away from the classical to embracing the modern era and has reflected the bright light of the human and cultural splendor. Its endless source of life needs an inexhaustible continuation. According to the law of the development of literature that “there is only a comma and there is no period,” the best choice for 21st century literature is that reality is likely to take pluralistic coexistence, “and Different ”road, that is,“ mixed cultures ”without loss of motherhood.