1927年11月至1928年8月中共六大选出的新中央从苏联回前以前,中央机关进行了重大调整, 组织机构与负责人员有较大变动,对中央机关组织与人事等有些新决定, 因而有必要单列专题进行介绍。 一、 中共临时中央政治局扩大会议 1927年11月9日至10日,在上海召开了?
From November 1927 to August 1928, the new Central Committee elected by the Sixth National Party Congress made major adjustments before the Soviet Union returned from the Soviet Union. There were major changes in the organizational structure and personnel in charge. Some new decisions on the organization and personnel of the Central Government, Therefore, it is necessary to introduce the special topics. I. Expansion Conference of the Provisional Central Political Bureau of the CPC Held in Shanghai from November 9 to November 19, 1927?