Imitation, is imitation. No imitation, no rule of the world; teaching without imitation, there is no religion. Zhu Guangqian also said: “We do not have to sing high-profile contempt imitation, ancient and modern artists, as far as I know, no one without going through the imitation stage. The first step imitation, available scale, the second step in order to gather poet’s strengths , Resulting in its own unique style. ”“ As Li Bai imitation Cui Hao’s ”Yellow Crane Tower,“ wrote the same with the ”Deng Jinling Phoenix station.“ Can be seen, ”imitation “ is a bridge between reading and writing a more convenient bridge, is the best way to read and write combination. Mr. Ye Shengtao, a famous educator, said: ”Chinese teaching materials are nothing more than an example. By virtue of this example, students should be able to learn from best efforts and practice reading and writing skills." Therefore, in contemporary Chinese teaching, writing with texts Breakthrough, in a timely manner writing training into the teaching of the text,