对判处管制、剥夺政治权利、缓刑、假释、保外就医的五种人依法监外执行改造,是社会主义行刑制度的一大特色,但是这种制度本身的特点决定了执行中的难度。地处城郊结合部的南京最大的郊区栖霞区,坚持“教育、感化、挽救”的方针,坚持执法与感化并重,使绝大多数监改对象重新获得了新生。 现为龙潭中学职高学生的付某,因盗窃罪被判处有期徒刑一年缓刑二年。在执行期间,帮教小组主动与付的家长及其当时所在的学校——中国水泥厂子弟中学、厂保卫处、居住地
The implementation of remoulding and supervising the five types of people sentenced to control, deprivation of political rights, suspended from probation, parole or medical treatment outside the prison is a major feature of the socialist execution system, but the characteristics of such a system determine the difficulty in implementation. In Qixia District, Nanjing’s largest suburb, which is located in the outskirts of the suburbs, Qiaoxia District adheres to the principle of “education, probation and salvation”, adheres to equal emphasis on law enforcement and probation, and restores the vast majority of the targets of the reform. Fu Tan, a high school student in Longtan Middle School, is sentenced to one year imprisonment for two years for theft. During the implementation period, the parents and their parents who helped and taught the group actively and actively - China Cement Factory Junior High School, Factory Security Department, residence