More than 100 Million Tons of Bauxite Discovered in Dianxi,Yunnan Province

来源 :China Nonferrous Metals Monthly | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sam4567
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It is reported that the large bauxite mine is lo- cated in the mid part of the Sanjiang mining belt’s Yunnan section,a region with a complex geological structure that has been on the top list of China’s plan to exploit nonferrous and pre- cious metal. It is reported that the large bauxite mine is lo-cated in the mid part of the Sanjiang mining belt’s Yunnan section, a region with a complex geological structure that has been on the top list of China’s plan to exploit nonferrous and pre- cious metal.
一个星期六的晚上,我正在家中悠闲地看着电视,下班回到家的妈妈兴冲冲地对我说:“儿子,我为你找了一位书法老师,明早我带你去!”  啊?书法老师,不会吧?一提到练习书法,我的脑海中就浮现出以前学习书法的情景:每天都是那一横一竖,一撇一捺,一天、两天、三天……慢慢地,那横竖撇捺对我再也没了吸引力,练字也变得枯燥乏味。后来,我干脆放弃了书法学习。  “天哪!不行!我不学!”我连忙说。  “那这样吧,咱先不