Potential of SPR Sensors Based on Multilayer Interfaces With Gold and LHM for Biosensing Application

来源 :Photonic Sensors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:einsun007
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Recently, the subject on “plasmonics’’ has received significant attention in designing surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors. In order to achieve extremely high-sensitivity sensing, multilayered configurations based on a variety of active materials and dielectrics have been exploited. In this work, a novel SPR sensor is proposed and investigated theoretically. The structure, analyzed in attenuated total reflection (ATR), consists of multilayer interfaces between gold and a metamaterial (LHM) separated by an analyte layer as a sensing medium. By interchanging between gold and LHM, under the effect of the refractive index (RI) of analyte set to be in the range of 1.00 to 1.99, the sharp peak reflectivity at the SPR angle takes two opposite behaviors predicted from the transfer matrix method. At the threshold value of 1.568 of the refractive index of analyte and when the LHM is the outer medium, the layered structure exhibits a giant sharp peak located at 43° of intensity up to 105 due to the Goos-Hànchen effect. With respect to the refractive index (RI) change and thickness of analyte, the characteristics (intensity, resonance condition, and quality factor) of the SPR mode, which make the proposed device have the potential for biosensing applications, have been analytically modelized.
随着全球工业化速度加快和人口的增多,大气环境问题日益突出, NO2 和气溶胶在大气化学中扮演着重要的角 色。地基多轴差分吸收光谱技术(MAX-DOAS)基于被动DOAS原理,近年来已成功应用于大气痕量气体柱浓度和气溶 胶光学厚度(AOD)测量方面。基于被动DOAS算法对合肥秸秆燃烧期间NO2 柱浓度以及气溶胶光学厚度进行 了观测,并把对流层柱浓度和臭氧监测仪(Ozone Monitoring Instrument, OMI)结果进行对比;测量的气溶胶光学厚度和太阳光度计(CE318)进行了对比。结 果表明
The generation of ultraviolet (UV) light at 335.5 nm based on frequency quadrupling of a diode-end-pumped Q-switched Nd:YVO4 laser at 1342 nm was demonstrated. KTP crystal was used for generation of wavelength of 671 nm by intracavity doubling and LBO (BB
采用高温固相法在弱还原的气氛下合成了Sr2SiO4高亮度的黄色长余辉材料。 通过X射线衍射(XRD)分析发现所制得的样品属于α′-Sr2SiO4斜方晶系结构; 样品的光致发光特性表明, 在320 nm激发光的照射下, 出现峰位为490 nm的宽带发射峰。 样品余辉特性显示: 样品的余辉衰减曲线符合双指数衰减。 在温度293~598 K内样品有4个热释光峰, 峰值温度在346, 420, 457和552 K附近。 不同的等待时间热释光曲线表明: 在衰减过程中, 热释光峰位置发生移动, 显示材料中存在缺陷能带