1. Existing problems (1) utilization is not high, low economic efficiency I province fertilizer use efficiency, nitrogen fertilizer about 30% to 35% (of which ammonium bicarbonate is about 20%), application of 1 kg of urea can only increase 2 kg of food . In Japan and other developed countries, nitrogen utilization rates average more than 60%. Japan’s nitrogen fertilizers in coated fertilizers can reach as high as 80% or more. Due to the abundant rainfall in our province, the loss of potash is also very serious. The reasons for the low utilization rate of fertilizer in our province are mainly as follows: ① the proportion of volatile ammonium bicarbonate used is high; ② the proportion of compound fertilizer used is too low, and the compound fertilizers in developed countries generally account for 50% 70%. ③ almost all compound fertilizer compound fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content is fixed,