Oversupply of Epichlorohydrin

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Stable growth of outputThe output of epichlorohydrin in Chinareached 258 000 tons in 2008, an increaseof 9.5% over 2007. Application is howeverquite limited. It is mainly used in the epoxyresin sector, and the consumption in thissector accounts for around 90% of the total.Major epichlorohydrin producers in Chinaare mainly located in Shandong province. Stable growth of output The output of epichlorohydrin in Chinareached 258 000 tons in 2008, an increase of 9.5% over 2007. Application is butquite limited. It is mainly used in the epoxyresin sector, and the consumption in thissector accounts for around 90% of the total. Major epichlorohydrin producers in Chinaare mainly located in Shandong province.
一个年轻人,决心以写作为职业,一直孜孜以求。但在相当长的时间内却没有写出令人满意的作品,为债务所困,几乎穷困潦倒。尽管如此,为了使作品臻于完美,他总是一遍遍地修改小说。一次,在小说付印前一刻,他还要求出版商等一等,说某些地方得改动。  正是这种兢兢业业、一丝不苟的精神,他的作品越写越好,最终成了一个伟大的作家。他就是大名鼎鼎的、19世纪法国伟大的批判现实主义作家巴尔扎克。  有一位建筑设计师,为一
On September 19th, 2009 Sinopec Anqing Petrochemical Company Ltd. (AnqingPetrochemical) commenced the production of the 100 000 t/a ethyl benzenestyreneproject
我是先见到晏子喃,然后才读到他的文字,我几乎很难相信这个胖胖壮壮的开朗男生,能写出这样感性细腻的文字。再后来更多地了解了他——生于1993年12月10日,现就读于沈阳市实验学校九年七班。曾获全国东方青少年艺术明星大赛全国赛区银奖;全国东方青少年艺术明星大赛辽宁分赛区金奖;沈河区“办好世园会,当好东道主”演讲大赛一等奖。主持过沈阳市实验学校50周年校庆等多项大型活动。  也许正是有丰富的经历和尝试,
【正】 Target applications of Dow Chemical’s Ultra?E include mid-to-high end interior coatings,exterior coatings and EWC. Ultra E provides superior application
【正】 SINOPEC Maoming Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (Maoming Petrochemical), a wholly owned subsidiary of Sinopec Group., is a company thatintegrates oil refinery an