孩子撒谎是做父母的最不能容忍的事情。每当发生这种情况,撒谎的孩子总会受到严厉的责罚,可是家长同志们,你们是否细细想过孩子为什么要撒谎,对具体行为做过具体分析吗? 撒谎,从广义上讲,是讲了不真实的话。但是在这同一种行为的背后,却隐藏着不同的动机。例如:小华有一个十分严厉而又简单粗暴的爸爸。一天,小华的弟弟不小心把爸爸的茶杯碰到地上摔破了。爸爸下班后,小华主动承认是自己闯的祸,甘愿替年幼的弟弟忍受爸爸的责骂。小华是撒了谎,可是难道在这次撒谎行为中就没有一种美好的东西?从教育学的意义上我们要求儿童做诚实的好孩子是完
Children lying is the most intolerable thing parents do. Whenever this happens, the lying child will always be severely punished, but parents and comrades, have you ever wondered why your child should lie and do a concrete analysis of specific behaviors? Lying, in a broad sense, is Talking about unreal words. However, behind this same act, different motives are hidden. For example: Xiaohua has a very harsh and simple rude father. One day, Xiaohua’s brother accidentally touched my father’s teacup on the ground. Dad after get off work, Xiaohua take the initiative to admit that he was a curse, willing to endure the father’s younger brother’s scolding. Xiaohua is lying, but do not have a good thing in this act of lying? From the pedagogical sense, we require children to be honest good boy is finished