新时期妇女期刊的蓬勃兴起 ,是我国妇女解放运动进一步发展的具体表现 ,反映了我国广大妇女社会生活参与意识的觉醒以及价值取向的新变化。近几年妇女期刊的期总发行量已达1200万册 ,约占全国期刊总发行量的5 % ,这说明妇女期刊已成为我国期刊队伍中一支不可忽视的力量 ,其中部分期刊已形成品牌。妇女期刊之所以能够创出名牌 ,走上精品化的道路 ,其编辑工作的基本经验在于 :一是凝聚了一支稳定、精干的作者队伍和务实、创新的编辑队伍 ;二是追求期刊鲜明的个性特色和营造精品栏目 ;三是调动读者的参与意识 ;四是红红火火的社会公益活动 ;五是建立良好的口碑传播网络。
The rapid rise of women’s periodicals in the new period is a concrete manifestation of the further development of the women’s liberation movement in our country, reflecting the awakening of the awareness of the majority of women’s participation in social life and the new changes in value orientation. In recent years, the total circulation of women’s periodicals has reached 12 million, accounting for about 5% of the national circulation, indicating that women’s periodicals have become a force that can not be ignored in the periodicals in China. Some of them have formed brands . The reason why women’s periodicals can create famous brands and embark on the process of fine-grafting is that the basic experience of their editorial work lies in the following aspects: First, they bring together a steady and capable team of writers and a pragmatic and innovative editorial team; second, Personality characteristics and to create a boutique section; third is to mobilize the reader’s sense of participation; Fourth, booming social welfare activities; Fifth, establish a good word of mouth communication network.