
来源 :湖南消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caifh8706
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我望着案头《湖南消防》杂志社的约稿函件,却久久下不得笔,我的心早已飞向韶山、飞向张家界、飞向湘江河畔……1981—1996,整整15个年头,若以历史长河来看,仅仅弹指一挥间.然而,厚厚100期刊物,诚然是一座巍峨的丰碑,它向人们展示了一个真理:有奋斗就会有收获,有艰难就会有欣慰.于是乎,我凑出8句话:“湘江评论著青史,湖南消防续新篇.曾经烈火炼真金,何惧血汗换平安.尊师教诲情似海,公仆责任义于山.而今凤凰涅磐后.百尺竿头更向前.”说是七律.够不上格,只是表这一下我的心里话.《湖南消防》杂志的创办,在全国消防报刊史上,应算是前几家,无愧消防宣传使者或拓荒牛的称号.据悉,当时是要钱没钱,要人没人,要地盘没地盘,艰难极了,几茬主编与编辑们硬是靠着强烈的责任感和使命感,发扬“为有牺牲多壮志,敢教日月换新天”的无畏创业精神,从中杀出一条活路.这一切,既是他们人生中一段慷慨悲壮的经历,也是一桩令芙蓉国消防官兵扬眉吐气的丰功伟绩.笔者作为消防界老兵,自然平添几分自豪之 I looked at the desk “Hunan Fire” magazine correspondence, but a long time next pen, my heart has long been flying to Shaoshan, flying to Zhangjiajie, Xiangjiang River ... ... 1981-1996, a full 15 years, if the However, the 100-year-old publication is, of course, a towering landmark that shows people the truth that if there is a struggle, there will be gains and there will be relief if there is any hardship. , I made up eight sentences: “Xiangjiang Comments on the history of green, the new chapter of Hunan Fire. Once the fire refining gold, why fear the sea, the public servant responsible for justice in the mountains .Now the Phoenix Nirvana Go ahead and go forward. ”Say seven laws .Not on the grid, but this table my heart .Hunan Fire“ magazine founded in the history of the national fire press, should be considered the first few, worthy of fire It is reported that, at that time, money was needed, no one was needed, no construction sites were extremely difficult. Several chief editors and editors simply relied on a strong sense of responsibility and mission to carry forward the ” Sacrifice more than aspiration, dare to teach the sun and the moon for a new day, "the fearless entrepreneurial spirit, which killed one Stay alive. All this is both generous tragic period in their life experience, but also a Furongguo so proud of the great achievements of the fire brigade. I, as the fire industry veteran, added a sort of natural pride
今年的春天,对于经历过的每一个人来说,都将刻骨铭心:“非典”这场突如其来的灾害肆虐着神州大地。作为一个小市民,在“非典”边缘生存着,生活依然无限美好 This year’s sp
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